"Madison was a delight to work with. She was given a brief to create artwork for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women to communicate the importance of cervical screening and HPV immunisation. She easily absorbed the details of the brief and delivered 12 culturally appropriate and beautiful paintings which portrayed the key elements of the brief visually. The paintings have been received well by community members and have proven to be an effective way of engaging with community about our health messages and programs.
Madison’s art is not only engaging and beautiful, it also has the connection to country, community and the link to ancestors woven throughout, tying everything together. Each painting she produced is not only visually appealing but also meaningful and symbolic for community. In one of her paintings she has used both contemporary imaging such as the iPhone, along with more traditional elements, in order to captured how intertwined our past is with our present and our futures, and to resonate with both younger and older generations.
Community have responded enthusiastically to Madison’s art and we would not hesitate to commission her for future projects."
Andrea Casey
Aboriginal Liaison Officer - Prevention
Cancer Council Victoria